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  1. 广东工业大学机电学院,广东广州510090
  • 出版日期:2004-08-15 发布日期:2004-08-25

Efficient algorithm for partner selection in agile manufacturing

WU Nai-qi, SU Ping   

  1. Sch. of Mechtronics Eng., Guangdong Univ. of Tech., Guangzhou510090, China
  • Online:2004-08-15 Published:2004-08-25

摘要: 为实现虚拟企业实践中有效的合作伙伴选择,根据制造成本和产品上市时间这两个重要因素建立了问题优化模型。基于此模型,给出了一个两阶段求解算法。该算法首先通过一个多项式的精确算法求得最早完成时间的解,保证了解的可行性。然后以最早完成时间作为可行初始解,利用一个启发式算法对解进行改进。该算法最终使得在完成时间的约束下制造成本最小。最后给出了一个应用案例说明了该算法的有效性。

关键词: 敏捷制造, 合作伙伴选择, 网络模型

Abstract: To effectively realize the partner selection in virtual enterprise practice, a mathematical model for the partner selection problem was developed considering the factors of manufacturing cost and time to market. Based on this model, an efficient two-phase algorithm was proposed to solve the problem. The algorithm acquired the Earliest Completion Time (ECT) solution firstly to ensure the feasibility of final solution. Then taken the ECT solution as feasible initial solution, the final solution was improved by using a heuristic algorithm. The proposed algorithm minimized the manufacturing cost with completion time as constraint. Finally, an example was given to show the efficiency of the algorithm.

Key words: agile manufacturing, partner selection, network model
