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  1. 东南大学 经济管理学院,江苏南京210096
  • 出版日期:2012-01-15 发布日期:2012-01-25

Amplification effect control of supply chain system based on desired inventory

WANG Hai-yan, ZHANG Chong, SHE Guang   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
  • Online:2012-01-15 Published:2012-01-25

摘要: 为控制订单和库存放大效应并减少供应链高额的运作成本,建立了多输入多输出供应链系统状态空间模型。以顾客需求、期望净库存量和期望在途库存量为输入量,以订单、净库存、在途库存和预测需求为状态变量,研究期望净库存量和期望在途库存量对订单和库存放大的影响。提出期望净库存量和期望在途库存量的改进选取方法。研究表明,在其他参数不变的情况下,改进的期望净库存量和期望在途库存量选取方法可以有效控制供应链系统的订单和库存放大效应,不会增加缺货和库存积压的概率,且可以减少提前期对供应链系统的影响。

关键词: 供应链, 订单放大, 库存放大, 期望净库存量, 期望在途库存量

Abstract: To control volatility of order and inventory as well as reduce the high operation costs in supply chain management, a state space model of supply chain system with multi-input and multi-output was established. Taking customer demand, expected net stock and expected work-in-process level as inputs, and the order quantity, net stock, work-in-process level and expected demand as outputs, the amplification effect of expected net stock and expected work-in-process level on order and inventory were studied. An improved selection method of expected net stock and expected work-in-process level was proposed. The results showed that the proposed selection method could control the orders and inventory amplification effects availably in case of other parameters unchanged. It could not increase the probability of out-of-stock and backlog, and also could reduce the effect of lead time on supply chain system.

Key words: supply chains, order amplification, inventory amplification, expected net stock, expected work-in-process level
