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  1. 1.浙江工业大学 机电学院,浙江杭州310014;2.浙江大学 流体传动与控制国家重点实验室,浙江杭州310027;3.UT斯达康(中国)有限公司,浙江杭州310014
  • 出版日期:2004-07-15 发布日期:2004-07-25

Monitoring approach of schedule progress in fractal web-based cooperative manufacturing system

DONG Hong-zhao, LIU Dong-xu, ZHAO Yan-wei, CHEN Ying   

  1. 1.Coll. of Mechanical Eng., Zhejiang Univ. of Tech., Hangzhou310014,China;2. National Lab. of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou310027, China; 3. UT Starcom Telecom (China) Co. Ltd., Hangzhou310012, China
  • Online:2004-07-15 Published:2004-07-25

摘要: 在分形网络协同制造系统中,协作目标包含了工作流自相似的多级子目标,但缺乏有效的基于Web的方法来监控所有级别子任务的执行进度。为解决这一问题,提出了表述多级协作目标进度和协作方制造资源变化等信息 的综合自相似算法。基于该算法,提出依靠每一个子任务的Web曲线来获取进度信息的自相似方法。阐述了综合多个同级子目标进度的方法,以获得总的进度情况。因此,各级分形协同制造系统的盟主可以对相关子任务的进 度进行监控。实践表明,该方法可以简练地反映出多级协作目标的动态进度和合作企业生产资源的变化状况。

关键词: 分形网络协同制造, 进度算法, 进度监控, 多级协作目标, 自相似

Abstract: fractal web-based manufacturing project contains several hierarchical cooperative sub-projects with the self-similar workflows. But it lacks an efficient web-based approach to monitor the operational progress of all multi-level sub-projects. To solve this problem, the comprehensive self-similar arithmetic was raised to render the progress message containing the schedule progress and the change of the cooperative participators manufacturing-resource etc. Based on the arithmetic, an approach was proposed to gain the progress message resorting to the web-based progressing curve of each sub-project. To obtain the general scheduled progress, a self-similar method was also elucidated on how to synthesize the progress of the several same-level sub-projects. Accordingly, the administrators under the different levels of the fractal cooperative manufacturing systems can supervise and control the schedule execution of the corresponding sub-projects. The experimental result shows that the approach can precisely and dynamically reflect the schedule progress of all multi-level sub-projects and the manufacturing-resource change of the web-based cooperating enterprises.

Key words: fractal web-based manufacturing, schedule progressing arithmetic, progress monitoring, multi-level cooperative projects, self-similar
