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  1. 1.哈尔滨工业大学机械设计系,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;2.哈尔滨电机有限责任公司设计部,黑龙江哈尔滨150040;3.江西电力高级技工学校,江西南昌330043
  • 出版日期:2004-06-15 发布日期:2004-06-25

Heavy-duty Hydraulic Turbine Structural Bid Scheme Design Using CBR Technology

ZHONG Shi-sheng, LI Jiang, WANG Quan-long, LI Bao-jiang, WAN Xiao-ping   

  1. 1.Dep. of Machine Design, Harbin Inst. of Tech., Harbin150001,China;2. Dep. of Product Design, Harbin Electric Machinery Company Ltd., Harbin150040, China;3.Jiangxi Advanced Technical Sch. of Electric Power for Skilled Workers, Nanchang330043, China
  • Online:2004-06-15 Published:2004-06-25

摘要: 为了提高大型水轮机产品设计的速度和质量,利用水轮机相似零部件的结构型式、结构尺寸和部件重量,将基于实例的推理技术应用到大型水轮机结构投标方案的设计中,提出了基于模糊相似优先比的相似实例检索模型,并以导水部套结构投标方案设计为例,讨论了该模型的具体应用。

关键词: 基于实例的推理技术, 大型水轮机, 投标方案设计, 智能设计

Abstract: To improve the speed and quality of hydraulic turbine design, a new case-indexing model, called Fuzzy Analogy Preferred Ratio Model, was presented. The model adopts the structural types, the structural measurements and the weights of parts of a hydraulic turbine, and applied Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) technology to the bid scheme design of heavy-duty hydraulic turbine. To explain how to complete the scheme design by using this model, the structural design process of the aqueduct of heavy-duty hydraulic turbine was discussed as an example.

Key words: case-based reasoning, heavy-duty hydraulic turbine, bid scheme design, intelligent design
