• 论文 •    



  1. 清华大学软件学院,北京100084
  • 出版日期:2003-11-15 发布日期:2003-11-25

Design and Development of Mobile Enterprise Information Release Platform

YE Xiao-jun, LI Hai-xiang   

  1. Sch. of Software, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing100084, China
  • Online:2003-11-15 Published:2003-11-25

摘要: 企业信息移动平台的核心是如何设计系统的元数据结构和操作结构,以达到广泛适用于企业资源规划/管理信息系统等信息系统数据移动化和移动用户信息定制个性化的要求。本文在概述了企业信息移动化的需求和内容后 ,针对企业内部信息移动和企业移动信息个性化定制等需求,提出了移动信息化的平台结构,给出了移动平台的功能设计、相应的数据库结构和系统的实现,最后探讨了企业信息移动的发展方向。

关键词: 企业信息化, 移动技术, 信息发布平台

Abstract: With the development of mobile technology and the requirement for mobile connectivity to enterprise information, a framework implementation,a meta-data structure is presented in which,is introduced. Based on the application and item data model, enterprise users can customize rules of background-data distribution and front users can personalize data access mode. Therefore, it presents the framework functions, correspondent implementation technique and how to integrate with enterprise application systems. Finally, the content and process of ERP/MIS information that should be mobilized is discussed.

Key words: manufacturing information engineering, mobile technology, information release platform
