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  • 收稿日期:2013-10-22 修回日期:2013-10-22 出版日期:2013-10-22 发布日期:2013-10-22

Research on Tool-path Regeneration for Point Cloud Design Modification

  • Received:2013-10-22 Revised:2013-10-22 Online:2013-10-22 Published:2013-10-22

摘要: 逆向工程中,点云模型往往需要多次修改、试制才能满足需要。通常修改的区域都很小,若只对修改区域重新生成刀轨将大大减少计算时间,为此提出了一种算法。首先识别出受修改影响的刀位点,逐行重新计算坐标,并新增刀位点使其满足加工误差,未受修改影响的刀位点继续沿用。然后计算新生成的刀位点与邻行刀轨的残留高度,若超过允许值,则新增若干行刀轨。实例验证表明,当点云修改区域所占比例较小时,与重新生成所有刀轨相比,算法耗时较少。

关键词: 逆向工程, 点云, 刀轨修改, 刀轨生成

Abstract: In reverse engineering (RE), the point cloud usually needs to be modified and machined repeatedly to meet the configuration needs. If only the CL points in the modified region are recalculated, the time of tool path regeneration will reduce significantly. A point cloud design modification tool path regeneration algorithm is proposed for three-axis CNC machining. Firstly, the CL points in the modified region were identified and line-by-line recalculated, and new CL points were added to meet tolerance requirement. The scallop height values for the modified region were then calculated. If they were greater than the given value, new lines of CL points were added to maintain the required surface finish. The algorithm was tested on point cloud. When the modified region is samall, the algorithm costs less time than regenerating all tool path.

Key words: reverse engineering, point cloud, tool-path modification, tool-path generation