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  1. 清华大学自动化系国家CIMS工程技术研究中心,北京100084
  • 出版日期:2003-01-15 发布日期:2003-01-25

Building Hybrid Distributed Data Warehouse for Grouped Enterprises

HAN Lan-shan, SHAO Bei-en   

  1. National CIMS Engineering Research Center,Tsinghua Univ.,Beijing100084,China
  • Online:2003-01-15 Published:2003-01-25

摘要: 越来越多的集团型企业迫切需要分布式数据管理和多层次决策支持,因而对数据仓库的实现技术提出了新的要求。本文的目的是寻求一种能适应集团型企业特点的数据仓库方案。分析了传统的集中式数据仓库的不足,在此基础上,提出混合型分布式数据仓库的概念和体系结构,结合JW-DSS工程项目,讨论了该方案中的关键技术,包括元数据分布、数据抽取、联机分析处理、用户管理的策略等。

关键词: 数据仓库, 元数据分布, 联机分析处理

Abstract: More and more grouped enterprises have expressed their requirements for distributed data management and multi-hierarchy decision support, which has brought up new challenges to data warehouse technology. To fulfill the requirements, a data warehouse solution is researched. Based on an analysis to shortages of traditional centralized data warehouse, the concept and architecture of a new solution, called as hybrid distributed data warehouses, are proposed. Then referring an ongoing project, some key techniques including meta-data distribution, data extraction, OLAP analysis, user management strategy, etc., are discussed in detail.

Key words: data warehouse, meta-data distribution, OLAP
